Trinity lutheran church Logan (LCMS)
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Contact Info
Pastor: Rev. Richard Sovitzky
Elder Martin Chamberlain
Elder Dave Valentine
Elder Larry Beal
Deaconess Deanna Cheadle
Church Message Phone
New Here?
We would like to take the time to thank you for visiting our webpage and invite you to join us at Trinity Lutheran for worship.
You might have some questions before you join us for a service in person, and we would like to try and answer some of those for you here:
What are the worship times?
Sunday School 9:30 am
Worship Service 10:45 am
Praise and Prayer 6:00 pm
Where should I park?
There is parking on both sides of the street in front of the church as well as a lot behind the church. As you approach our church on Mulberry Street, you will see a sign to lead you to the parking lot. There is also access to the lot from N. Walnut Street. On the map above it is the white area behind and to the side of the actual church building. Handicapped parking is available behind the church. An elevator is located just inside next to our new bathrooms.
Where do I enter the church?
From street parking you may enter through the front doors for Worship services. From the back parking lot you can come through our back door (and Sunday School classrooms) and go upstairs to the sanctuary, or you may walk around to the front of the church. Please do not forget to get a bulletin if you do not enter through the front doors.
What should I wear?
When you enter our church you will notice the diversity in what people wear. We do not have a dress code; wear something that makes you comfortable being “you”.
What should I know about your worship?
We are a family friendly church. We encourage parents to bring their children of all ages to worship services. For those with children under the age of three, there is a cry room with a changing station located at the back of the sanctuary for your convenience. A changing table is also available in the downstairs bathroom.
Our Order of Worship is given out with the bulletins to make it easier to follow along. Don’t worry if you get a little lost the first time, it happens to all of us!
What is Communion all about, and do I participate?
The Lutheran Church believes in the Real Presence of Christ’s body and blood in the Lord’s Supper because Jesus says, “This is My body, which is given for you; this is My blood of the new testament, which is shed for you.”
At Trinity we celebrate Holy Communion on the first and third and fifth Sundays of each month, and all holy days.
If you would like to participate, and have never before done so, please speak with the Pastor or an Elder before the service.
I have another question that is not answered here…
We would love to answer any other questions that you may have. Please fill out the form on this page, or feel free to give us a call at 740-385-3220. Please leave a message if there is no answer.
If you are without a church, we invite you to make your HOME with us. If you have a spiritual problem and have no one to advise you, we invite you to consult our pastor. If you are lonesome and are looking for fellowship, we invite you to accept the companionship of a compassionate Savior and the loving concern of fellow believers. If you wish to serve the Lord, we invite you to join us in our service programs to exercise your talents and zeal. If we can be of any help to you, within our calling, we stand ready to assist you.